# Audio for Replay Vidor V4
The MKR Vidor 4000 doesn’t provide a direct connector to hook up speakers for audio.
Follow the instructions below to setup with either a mono or stereo output.
In the future it is proposed also that there will be an expansion board from Arduino (expansion board which adds an audio headers and analog vga etc also).
# Introduction
The cores output stereo audio on A0 and A1 pins. One option is simply by using crocodile clips on these pins and connect them to a breadboard amplifier for example. Here is also an example of a breadboard amplifier. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W9GpPW-u71s
#Constructing your Breadboard
Cores output audio PWM signals for left and right channels at pins A0 and A1, respectively. A circuit that supports stereo connection must therefore contain two filters. However you can start building the filter for a single channel and add the second later.
Whatever approach you choose, the basic items you need are:
* MKR Vidor 4000.
* Breadboard with wires See this link for Breadboards & Breadboard Power.
* Breadboard-friendly audio jack that matches your audio cable. eg: 3.5mm
## Example 1: Minimum mono
This example shows the bare minimum solution for mono sound. Simply duplicate it on the other channel for stereo sound.
The circuit is built according to Gary Preston’s post at https://www.mups.co.uk/post/2017/05/fpga-based-1-bit-dac/
## Example 2: Raspi-like stereo
This example is a more complex solution for stereo sound. It can be stripped down to mono by skipping the parts for one channel.
The circuit is built according “Newer Pi, Better Audio” in Jenny List’s post at https://hackaday.com/2018/07/13/behind-the-pin-how-the-raspberry-pi-gets-its-audio/