Are there cases available currently for the Replay?

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There are many Mini-ITX cases available on the market that may be suitable for the Replay1/Replay2. It uses the standard PC ITX mounts.
Currently the Antec ISK110 Vesa-U3 has been found suitable to fit, both with or without the upcoming 68060 Daughterboard. It also comes with a 90w PWR Supply plus 2x front USB 2.0 Ports. These cases also can be purchased from most computer stores around the globe. Scroll down our main page, for links both in Europe and The USA. Also the Checkmate 1500 plus case will fit the replay which is more advanced, allowing internal floppydrives and hdisk/cdroms to be fitted as well as other optional components and even a real PC ATX powersupply. Make sure you purchase the PC ITX/ATX case.

See also our ATX Power interfaces, which connects and interfaces to the Replay1 thus allowing it to be Switched on an off and reset etc via the front of the PC case.
Also Note: Currently there is also a new Replay1 ATX back plate to not only accommodate the new baseboard but also the Daughterboard combined. To purchase see links further down on the main website

Replay2…(Coming soon).

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