Can I access the Daughterboard Hardware from the AGA Core without using the 060 Core?

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The Daughter boards **Sdcard, Audio in, RealTime clock and Floppydrive connector are still accessible with the 020 (aga) core regardless. Note: The CPU, Ethernet port, Usb ports, and 128 meg Ram are not.
**The Daughter board SDcard will be available at a later date, currently in development.

Q Why does the Ethernet driver need the Daughterboard with the ‘060 to work?
A TheĀ driver doesn’t but the hardware is set up that way.

Q How come the Ethernet hardware chip isn’t accessible from the softcore?
A It simply wont show up in the Replay1’s hardware design.

Q What advantage was having this hardware only Ethernet Daughterboard only design?
A The Ethernet MAC/PHY is attached to the local bus of the 060 for speed.


The USB and Ethernet are on the Replay2 Mainboard including the MAC/PHY addressing etc.
It does not require a TCP/IP Stack but uses a similar system to Winuae, the bsdsocket.library which all software interfaces.
Another advantage of the newer (SOC) or System on Chip design is that you will have access to upto 1Gbit Speed Ethernet.

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