How can I access the Replay Hdisk/Pwr/FloppyLeds

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Replay1: Mainboard.

The Replay1 mainboard, had even though no pins were connected, An alternative aux connector with multiple
pin outs for this and other purposes. It is the Expansion IO connector labeled AUX I/O with 18 pin holes
directly center and above logo and on the back of the board. It is labeled Aux_I/O Aux_I/O.
You can basically solder pins onto these for this purpose.

Aux IO Ports here

Below is the Pinouts for the leds to get the floppy/hardisk/pwr activity.

ACTIVE LOW, connect other end of LED to 3V3 or 5V
aux_io(9)  hdd_led;
aux_io(8)  floppy_led;
aux_io(7) pwr_led;

ACTIVE HIGH, connect other end of LED to GND. 
aux_io(6)  hdd_led;
aux_io(5)  floppy_led;     
aux_io(4)  pwr_led;       

Note: The LED current should be limited to 8mA but a resistor is recommended.

Replay2: Coming soon.


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