How do I enable the Ethernet Port?

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Ethernet install (Replay1 daughterboard.)

1) Install Roadshow (The Amiga TCP/IP stack) from the link below.
2) Next download the replay ethernet device replayeth.device from the link below. and copy replayeth.device to the devs:network/
3) Next create a new roadshow netinterface.

Note: The latest replay.rom for the daughterboard has the replayeth.device built in so there will be no need for step 2 above and just continue with step 3. You need to make sure if using this route that you get the version currently from here. Github.

4) Once this is done, and you have rebooted your Amiga, you should then be able to download say a webbrowser and open webpages automatically. Eg: IBrowse or Netsurf etc.

Certainly see our support forum or realtime slack chat for any help you may need. For more information on the Community click here.

Also note at this time, that the Replay1 Ethernet device is stable with a 68060 CPU running @50/55 MHz. Running over this speed eg: @55-100 MHz, you may or will see currently unstable results.
For the techies out there, The Replay1 w/ 060db eth speeds are aprox :-, Roadshow (tcp/ip) ~14-15 Mbit/s , Genesis (tcp/ip) ~10 mbit , AmiTCP (tcp/ip) ~10 mbit, Miami (tcp/ip) ~6 mbit

Ethernet install (Replay2……Coming soon)

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