Vidor4000 How to do initial setup

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(Setup the Vidor4000 and hardware required) For use with Replay Cores.

1)    (Software required for Flashing card)
a) You need this to flash the firmware. This requires the Arduino framework.
You need to download and install the Arduino IDE so you can update the Vidor 4000 computer. (Windows/Mac/Linux).
Note: For windows people it will default now to the windows store.

b) Next under the Arduino IDE “Tools” menu, select under this the option “Boards:xxxxx” and select the “Boards Manager”
Next in the “type” searchbox at the top, type in “Vidor” and when the boards appear in the list, select the option Arduino SAMD Boards (32bits arm cortex-m0+).
On the bottom right of this board, you will see a select box. Select v1.8.6 or above and click the Install button.
Along the way, you will get popup boxes saying to install “Arduino USB Driver” and “Adafruit industries LLC Ports” make sure you install both of these.
Also a java se popup install will appear, also make sure you install this.

Also download the Vidor 4000 firmware
Format an sdcard also eg: 16gig card and fat32 or exfat and or put the image or and its files on the sdcard.
Card orientation will 5v to 5v etc and with sd card end toward mini pci connector.

2)    (Programming the core)
The Arduino MKR SD Proto Shield allows you to easily connect an SD card to your MKR video 4000 form factor board for core programming.
The Vidor4 board has been designed pin for pin compatible just for this purpose.

3)    (Pwr the Vidor 4000 board)
You can power it via USB yes, but you either need a USB splitter or power it via the header,
if you want to use a USB keyboard/mouse usb otg with power pass through.
A powered 4 port hub would also be beneficial here.

1x Otg usb splitter
…..Micro USB2.0 Splitter Cable OTG
1x micro usb cable…..USB 2.0 A-Male to Micro B Cable

4)    (Flashing the core)
Install the Arduino IDE on your computer as in step 1, connect the micro USB and micro HDMI.

Download the Vidor4000 firmware from step 1. Download the complete folder as a .zip. ie: Click on the “Clone or Download” option on the right the green button, and select “Download .zip” option. Next copy this entirely into a folder on your harddisk.

c) Next use the “install .zip library” menu option in the Arduino IDE ie: Under the menu item “Sketch” next select “Include Library” and select under that, “ library“. next navigate to your folder your saved previously in step b and select this folder and select open.

d) Next from the “Tools” menu under the Arduino IDE, select the “Boards:xxxxx” and then select this time select “Arduino MKR Video 4000

e) Select from the “Tools” menu and then select Port: “Com4 Arduino MKR Vidor 4000”.
Under that (Com4 Arduino MKR Vidor 4000) should be selected or ticked.
Note: Your comport maybe Com 1 thu to 4 depending on your setup. Select whichever is relevant to you and then again the Vidor board under that.

6) Next load the example “Replay_Boot” from the Arduino IDE menu ie: Under the menu item “File” and then select “Examples” under that, select “Replay MKR Video 4000” under custom libraries then select finally “Replay_Boot“.
Note: See further notes at the bottom on Updating firmware to a newer firmware version etc.

7)    (Upload your program to the Vidor board)
Press the second round icon from left on the top bar of the Arduino Software (IDE) or press Ctrl+U or select the menu Sketch and then Upload.
Please note that the time required to load the sketch and the FPGA bitstream might be more than 30 seconds.

8)    (Booting the Vidor)
If you Pwr on initially without (sdcard inserted) and it should give you some image that looks similar to the regular replay OSD menu.
Note: You may need the sdcard inserted to get this anyways.


Other notes related to the Vidor: 

>>How do I get the Vidor into Upload mode.

To put the Vidor into upload mode, quickly push the **button twice.
If successful, the LED will flash smoothly to indicate that the board is in bootloader mode.

Note: **The button for this operation is below the hat for the sd card.

>>How do I flash with a later firmware.

Q. Im getting a library named replay_mkrvidor4000 already exists and replay isn’t displayed in library manager
when I try to flash with a later firmware, or I just need to update to a later firmware version.

A. At this time, the only way is to manually delete the old imported library and then import the new version from scratch.
So for the Vidor, under your Arduino IDE select the menu option “File”, “Preferences” and check the “Sketchbook location”.
Close the Arduino IDE. Open this path in file browser and go to library folder. Now Delete the folder replay_mkrvidor4000.
B. Next repeat the steps from step 4 above to update to your newer version.

Also See these links for further information. and

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