Will the replay work with diskcopiers?

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Yes, the Replay should work with eg: Xcopy and other Nondos diskcopiers as well as the standard OS Desktops like *Amiga Workbench and *AtariST TOS Diskcopiers and Formatters etc on the Daughterboard Floppydrive connector.
Standard file copying / format / read and write operation should also work as usual.
Note: *Dependent on core revisions and the current implementation.

It is also possible to connect a sdcard software 3.5 inch floppy drive to the replay also as an alternate drive.
(Commonly named…HxC SD Floppy Disk Emulator).
It uses an sdcard for reading and writing of adf floppy disk images.

Note: Here is an alternative version which allow a connection via usb to a PC for example.
This would allow you to mount adf’s on PC side (also great for dev and testing on original hw).
Software is available for Windows/Mac/Linux for interfacing the drives.

Alternatively, The Gotek USB 3.5 inch USB drives can also be used.
This allows you to put your adf floppy images on usb pens or sticks.
There is also a model with a rotary dial allowing easy turn and click floppy files access.

These will be a much more practical future floppy drive addition.

Replay2..(Coming soon).

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