Back from holiday

Right, returned from a brief holiday.

I’ve moved all the CAD projects and libraries over to my internal SVN repository. This was necessary to sync the work between the workstation and laptop, so I can get the daughter board and AGA debug board out to production.

Focus this week is shipping more boards, I know some of you are waiting patiently….

I’m also going to start adding project pages to this website, and see if I can fix a few more bugs in the Amiga core.

As always, check the forum for the latest gossip.

Survived the worlds biggest party

Well, just about. Glastonbury was amazing, but now I’ve sobered up, flown home and I have been busy testing boards all day.

I received an update from the Mist guys (we work on the 68K CPU together) and have updated the Amiga core. Still some issues, but moving forward.

I’ll be spending the next few days working on the website and sorting out how we do releases and handle versions. I’m also working on porting the remaining cores, and waiting for the AGA debug board (with real chips on) to come back so I can finish the Amiga core ‘tuning’.


Taking a short break

I’m off to a music festival in England (Glastonbury) today and I’ll be out of email contact for a few days.

You can see some pictures from last year here :

Back to shipping boards, finishing this website and getting more cores released next week.

