Well, here we are at the end of 2024. Already.
I get a lot of questions along the lines of “where are we at”, “why is it taking so long” etc etc…
Replay2 is a complex board both electrically and mechanically. I am trying to do it at a low cost, which means a low layer count PCB. The design drawing (schematic) is complete and has been for a few months. I have most of the parts already to build the 10 initial prototypes.
The process of getting all the parts positioned on the board is pretty much done, and I’ve nearly finished routing it.
We had very early access and the tool support has come a long way since I first pinned the board out. Running the completed design through the tool showed a few problems but these are pretty much fixed. I’m really hoping to finish the PCB finally in the next few days and get the prototype boards back in January. This will still give us 2 months to check everything over before we start building boards in volume in the spring.
There are near daily updates on the discord, this link will work for 7 days.
Wishing everybody a fantastic New Year.